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Team Work Makes the Dream Work

I finally did something that I have always wanted to do...

I went to the Final Four!

While I enjoyed a great trip with wonderful friends, I couldn't help but notice a key element almost everywhere I went:

All of it was only possible with a great team!

While it was helpful to have strong individuals who could hold their own, it was the power of the group coming together that made something amazing happen. I saw this on the court, of course, but also in the stadium (with the staff and volunteers keeping everything running smoothly) and our trip coordinators who ensured the 18 of us had a safe and enjoyable trip.

I mention this, not to dwell on the experience, but to highlight the benefits of working with others to reach your goals. Those of you who have met me "off-Zoom" know me as a 6'4" professional that plays basketball when possible (yes, COVID was a long time without a game of hoops). If I walked on to the floor alone, I would loose the game EVERY TIME! But when I craft my "ideal team" I recruit not just the players with the best stats, but the ones the know how to play the game. Shooting percentages only get you so far if you can't play defense, ball handling skills can be your down-fall if you don't know how to pass the ball at the right time and when things get tight, a good coach knows when to sub out the ball handler for defender or the rebounder for the 3-point shooter.

"So what?" you ask? I think this applies to the work we do as well. Look around you at the skill sets and the expertise of those on your "team." Do you have a well rounded group that can address the key questions on your plate? Do you have the versatility to cover those tough projects? And more importantly, do you know when to call in a sub?

As a consultant, I can sub in for you and your team to help move the game forward and get the win. Let me know what I can do for your team to round out your bench!

Thank you for being a part of MY "team." None of us can succeed without the network that makes up our "team!"


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